
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) asked

Follow Annette and Odile on the Olympics!

Some of you will know that I love sailing, and I am thoroughly enjoying our long lasting affiliation with the top Dutch women team(s) in the 49er FX.

The sponsorship started many years ago, and how special is it that it that "our team" is on the Olympics! And its not the first time, four years ago, during the 2020 Olympics, the team of Annette and Annemiek, won the bronze medal.

Yesterday was the first day for our beloved sailing team Annette and Odile to compete on the Olympics; and they had a good start: after winning 2 out of the 3 races, they are now on the first position in the ranks. (!). So everyone here at Victron is super excited.

Following sailing can be a bit of a challenge, the amount of information and links out there are a real jungle, so this post is to give a good overview.

Easiest is to follow the team on Instagram. Stories are posted every day:

To learn more about the type of boat as well as how the races work, I recommend watching this video:

To read a longer background story and get to know them, read this excellent blogpost of early June, by Justin Tyers, our blogger who has become a close follower over all those years. And see this last blog post as well:

The schedule of the coming days:

  1. Yesterday, Sunday July 28th, races 1 till 3. Currently they are in 1st position.
  2. Today, Monday, races 4 till 6.
  3. Tomorrow, Tuesday, races 7 till 9.
  4. Wednesday, races 10 till 12.
  5. Thursday, medal race, only top 10 of the group participates.

To see the actual times, check the schedule here:
(click Schedule, and then Womens skiff)

To watch a race, there are two options:

  • The first one is by tracking (an interactive map), and the link for that becomes available only shortly before the race. This page shows all of the links:
  • The other option is to watch live broadcasting. The best option I could find for that is HBO MAX, which requires a subscription. But be ware that some days and some races they cover the Womens skiff aka 49er FX, and other days not and they cover windsurfing or the men instead.

The results can be seen here:
(click Overall results, and then click Womens skiff)

It shows the points per race, and then if you scroll to the right you see the total points, plus the amended net end result (worst race is ignored in the calculations).



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