
heyswed avatar image
heyswed asked

Monbat 12MVR200 MPPT 100/50 settings?

Hey guys, I can’t figure out what setting to use or how to optimize the MPPT for the Monbat batteries.

Product page

PDF Datasheet

Thanks in advance:)


MPPT SmartSolar
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3 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Did you ask the battery manufacturer? I'd start there.

They give you the recommended float voltage right in the product page, but you'll want to find out from them what the bulk/absorb voltage should be, absorption time, and etc.

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heyswed avatar image
heyswed answered ·

Isnt all the info in the pdf?

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If it is, then what's the question? Set the controller per the information given by the battery manufacturer.

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heyswed avatar image
heyswed answered ·

that is what I would like to have help with, how to set it up :) did you check the pdf? It’s on the webpage as well. Thanks

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No, as I don't work with or for that battery manufacturer. I can't figure out if this is a legitimate question or an odd attempt to drive traffic to that manufacturer's website.

If you purchased that battery and you're intending a DIY installation, it is up to you (the Y in DIY) to read the battery manufacturer's specifications, and then program the controller in accordance with the battery manufacturer's specifications.

If your question is regarding the operation or programming of your solar controller itself, then the controller's user and installation manual is the place to start, and will answer the vast majority of any questions that will arise regarding it:

You may also find the VictronConnect app manual of use, as that's what you'll be using to program a SmartSolar MPPT:

Should the above be outside your comfort level to work with, I'd strongly suggest consulting a reputable and experienced systems installer to perform the installation and commissioning of your system to ensure that everything is installed and programmed properly and safely.

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