
harlov avatar image
harlov asked

Missed Webinar

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) could you please upload the most recent Node-red webinar from Wednesday on the portal as i missed it live. Thanks!

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Hi @Harlov,

It's not available yet, but I will ask what the plan is

When it is ready it will appear here -

But I will try and follow this post up as well when I see it

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
It might be a while unfortunately. Apologies but it could two weeks before I know if it was recorded and the intention to publish.

In the worst case there will be another one.

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2 Answers
harlov avatar image
harlov answered ·

awesome ty

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Hi @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

I am looking here and I am wondering...

Is there a reason why all (well, over 90%) of the events are happening only on South Africa?

Or webinars are mostly on German language?

No offense, but there is room for your products on all markets, right?

Especially now when more and more improved solar products and sometimes with brilliant ideas implemented are emerging from more and more solar manufacturers...



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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
@Alex Pescaru

Lots of training in SA because local companies and people take the time to share their knowledge and expertise (With Victrons backing of course) to train people up for free.

Same is true for Germany.

So looking for more people to do the same.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Hi @Alexandra , @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

Thanks for your response, although I don't know what to say/understand from this...
Again, no offense, but your affirmation puts Victron on a delicate light / position.
One can understand that Victron, by itself, will not involve in such activities if it's not coming from someone who is willing to do it for free... Which is odd, because like I've said, the competition is not sleeping.
I understand, the quality and robustness of Victron products were / are selling the products by themself. But since a time now, I believe that it is not / will not be enough.
More and more interesting products on the market with more and more interesting ideas implemented, with more and more reliable and modern technologies.
I don't want to start here a flame between old and new, LF vs. HF inverters and so on, but the growth of modern and reliable technology involved and, more of that, the economy of things, will soon render the LF obsolete.
This is why Victron started to move towards HF, but, hey, two years(!) have passed since HF introduction on Victron products and nothing new... Only a variation / different packaging of a two year old product this year...
You will say that Multi HS19 is a new thing, but it was clearly seen that it only has a demo firmware inside which scrolls some information on a LCD display, information of an increased Solar production on its trackers, trackers that had nothing connected to them. Come on...
One can get the feeling that the Victron products are lagging behind, while the competition is making circles around...
Even from software point of view this lagging feeling is present...
Don't get me wrong, I don't say that nothing is happening, some good things are happening, but then again, anyone that knows his/her way around Github, can see on projects' "Activity" that sometimes days and days are passing by and only a few lines of code are changing.
One new feature is introduced and soon a patch is coming up to fix some errors introduced by the new feature... Really?
OK, rant over, because I've also seen that some people are quite sensitive here to criticism, take things personally instead of taking them from a constructive perspective and tend to make use of an excessive censorship.
Anyway, I truly hope that I am wrong, but will see what future reserve for all of us in a few years...
I personally really like my Multi RS and I truly believe that it's a really well built piece of hardware, but to be honest, from software point of view, sometimes I am afraid of installing new features / firmware because I get the feeling that the old things will not function like before.
But that's only me...

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ Alex Pescaru commented ·

Cutting edge can also be the bleeding edge. When you are trying to support a product for a sustainable amount of time it doesn't make sense to be there. So with the other products on the market time will tell. 2 years is a short time to gauge longevity and warranty support.

I can say if the criticism is constructive it is usually taken into consideration. But just saying a product is rubbish is not constructive and not helpful for gaining direction.

I can see you have made a few suggestions here and there and not everyone will agree with you. On one of your posts about boxes for uniformity. I had a different opinion and preferred the cleaner look. With such a diverse set of people and markets it is impossible to please everyone all the time.

The truth is I have not found as comprehensive monitoring or open source on other products. (And don't only install Victron, although am a huge fan, so have experience elsewhere.) and there are plenty of patches on theirs too (or some skimming over to hide issues).

But keep on Alex, your contributions here (while they may not be to everyone's taste - I too have encountered many who don't like mine - that is life) will be valued by someone who visits here.

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