
John Mitchell avatar image
John Mitchell asked

ESS Scheduled charging

Even though I've activated a scheduled charge setting using ESS it shows as inactive in the remote console.



And no matter where I make my grid setpoint the system is still drawing some power from the grid.


ESSscheduled charge
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

It should show as active during the scheduled time so between 00 an 06 (duration of 6 hours), outside of this it is discharging and inactive.

Your setpoint is 100W and its pulling 114W, seems normal.

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John Mitchell avatar image
John Mitchell answered ·

I tried a setpoint of zero - made no difference

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

It's best not to mix questions in a topic.

You haven't provided any detail whatsoever on your system and its config, so it requires guessing.

There are many reasons why the system could "ignore" the setpoint, everything from a poor grid, loads, parallel system issues, to install/config.

The setpoint is a point around which the system's power will ebb and flow depending on flucations, transients, load types etc. It is rarely fixed and exactly on the number.

Suggest, you close this topic off if the schedule question was resolved and open another where you document the system thoroughly, and provide supporting charts that show the behaviour, loads etc. You may have more luck that way.

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John Mitchell avatar image John Mitchell nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks Nick - you're correct. The most probable reason is I'm relying on the internal meter of the Multiplus II GX as my external meter which will monitor the whole grid has not been installed yet. So it's a bit of a kludge - I'm just monitoring the loads on the Multiplus and I still have to sort out getting both my Solaredge system and my grid metering to make it work properly.

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Related Resources

What is ESS training video

ESS Quick Installation Guide

ESS design and installation manual

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