
misterowen avatar image
misterowen asked

Smart solar and longi PV panels - optimised

Hi. I've got victron smart solar 150 45s, and the manual states not to use optimised pv panels, or fit optimisers as it messes with the mppt and can damage the smart solar charger.

My question is:

How do I identify if a pv panel is optimised - is it always the case that the optimiser is a bolt on plug in box, as you see if you Google search Optimisers, or can the optimiser be built into the panel itself.

For example Longi - I have looked through their spec sheets and some allude to optimisation, but I cant figure for sure either way if they are smart panels, have bolt on optimisers, or just use the word optimise as a sales thing and are actually standard panels.

Thanks in advance

MPPT SmartSolar
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misterowen avatar image misterowen commented ·

Thanks for the reply. the spec sheet for the Longi Himo5 and Himo 6.

GPID_1500001970_TECH_00 (1).pdf


The sales text.for the himo 6 says this:


Can I use either of these panels with my victron MPPTs is the ultimate question

thanks again

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3 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Thanx for the specs, its just a normal panel, they sell a separate optimizer for it, so yes this will work

See this picture with an optimizer installed


img-6411.jpeg (220.4 KiB)
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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Do you have a specs link? There a just a few panels with built in optimizers, most are external that you have to buy

Some manufacturers advertise with optimised panels but thats mostly the way there are constructed

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misterowen avatar image
misterowen answered ·

That's great - thanks very much for your help here - much appreciated. I didn't get any sense out of Longi customer support.


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