
daan-van-der-spek avatar image
daan-van-der-spek asked

Advice needed: ESS, Solar, Grid efficient usage

Hi! I'm looking for advice:

I have a system with a Multiplus, Solar array of 900Wp on a MPPT charging a 420Ah 24V lead-acid battery.
All appliances in my house are connected through the Multiplus. I have configured a GX, and added ESS to the Multiplus. I have it set to mode Optimized (with BatteryLife) and Grid Setpoint to 30W.

This does mostly what I need it to do: the inverter runs the appliances untill the Minimum SOC is reached (set to 80%). Only, because my solar array can not provide for all of my daily use (2 kWh solar, 5 kWh daily usage), I have to limit the Inverter Power greatly.

If I don't limit Invert Power to, say, 300W, the Minimum SOC is be reached after only a couple of hours. I don't want that, because the system will cycle between the MPPT charging the battery whilst the appliances are powered off the grid, and then all the appliances being powered from the charge just put in the battery.
This induces a loss of energy because the charge-discharge-efficiency of the lead-acid battery is nowhere near 100%. Also, charge and discharge cycles in the battery wear it out.

Ideally, the Inverter Power Limit should be exactly equal to the actual solar power generated, except for at the end of the day, when the inverter can continue to make power from the batteries until the energy that the solar has charged the battery with today is used up.

Is there a way to do this? Right now, I try to balance the inverter power limit manually. I adjust this every couple of days to make sure it approximates the solar energy that comes in. This is not ideal, the battery gets charged and discharged more than is neccesary.

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Daan van der Spek

Ess usually dynamically moves the grid set point based on solar input so you shouldn't have to ride the controls.

On the GX, in the ESS menu set your soc in case of grid faliure to where you are comfortable cycling.

If you dont want to cycle, set to keep batteries charged or to 100%. Do you have a battery monitor? See the ESS manual here. With the ESS assistant the system will use solar while supplementing from Grid.

You can also set your input current limit down a bit to make the system power assist more as well.

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daan-van-der-spek avatar image daan-van-der-spek commented ·

I don't see how that is. My grid usage is never more than the grid setpoint of 30W, untill the battery soc is below the minimum set. It does not dynamically move.

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Have you taken a look at scheduled charging in ESS? I used to use that in a similar way as you want

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