
Andrew Woolford avatar image
Andrew Woolford asked

PV / Solar Controller Settings Issues (MPPT Smart Solar)

Hello! We just installed a new smart solar controller on our travel camper to replace the zAMP. I also have a brand new 100AH liTime lithium battery. Our solar never had an issue charging our old/original lead acid battery, but now I can't figure out if I've got the wrong settings, a wiring issue, or something else when trying to charge the lithium through my new victron controller?

Attached are a few screenshots. The controller was originally showing off as the state but now is turned to bulk but the battery is still draining even in sunlight and doesn't appear to do any charging through the solar panel.

Any thoughts to troubleshoot? Thanks!



  1. Screenshot_20240619_170701.jpg


MPPT SmartSolar
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6 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Day 1, charging didn't start because the panel voltage didn't get high enough. Charging starts when panel voltage exceeds battery voltage by 5V or more.

If you have more than 1 panel, and sufficient input voltage available in the MPPT, try putting the panels in series, not parallel. But check using the Victron MPPT calculator first.

Also check your cable connections, you may have high resistance.

Please also post a screenshot of the battery settings in your controller.

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Andrew Woolford avatar image Andrew Woolford commented ·

Thank you!

Apologies, thought I had included the settings, please see this screenshot.Screenshot_20240620_070416.jpg

My battery has its own BMS so I may disable the low temperature cutoff.

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Andrew Woolford avatar image
Andrew Woolford answered ·

Is this normal/correct operation? It doesn't appear to be charging the lithium 100ah? Maybe need more load or draw down the lithium battery? The battery is sitting in standby mode...


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John Mitchell avatar image
John Mitchell answered ·

Well the graph shows only 20Wh and 40Wh - that's not enough to charge anything. If you had good sun then you would have to suspect the wiring or solar panel configuration. Can you elaborate on your solar panels - model, open circuit voltage, Watts and whether they are wired in series or parallel?

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Andrew Woolford avatar image
Andrew Woolford answered ·

Here's an image of the z amp controller specs that came with the camper and worked fine with our lead acid battery when charging. I upgraded to the lithium and added this 100/30 MPPT controller and I'm wondering if either the inline fuse is not rated for 30 amp or is blown or something? My camper is based in Utah so gets plenty of sun. I also added a pic of the panel but I'm not sure how to get the full specs on it...




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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

For something that small you should have stuck with a PWM charger. This is where skilled suppliers are important. Never buy a charger without using the calculator to confirm you have chosen the right one.

From the little information available, it appears you may have chosen poorly.

Mppts have a much higher startup voltage requirement than that small charger you had.

Suggest you get some professional help to assist you.

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Andrew Woolford avatar image Andrew Woolford commented ·

@nickdb Thanks for the details here. Do you think I'll be able to switch back to the PWM Zamp controller to charge the lithium until I have upgraded my solar panels down the road?

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ Andrew Woolford commented ·

is your battery a “drop-in” lithium? If so the BMS will keep it safe if you can’t change charge parameters.

You chose a great little mppt, just probably not suited to your current setup. Fortunately panels are more affordable these days.

But please use the mppt calc linked to from the product page. If something doesn’t make sense, post it here and you will get some pointers.

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Andrew Woolford avatar image Andrew Woolford nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

@nickdb yes, believe it's a dropin and Bluetooth with BMS

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John Mitchell avatar image John Mitchell Andrew Woolford commented ·

That battery definitely has a BMS to protect it. The zAmp has LiFe settings so I'd set it to that.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Your settings look ok.

However as you said, there's not much coming out of the controller. Panel voltage is borderline and I suspect the panel isn't powerful enough to drive the Victron controller. A trend graph showing solar voltage and current for the last 10 minutes would help confirm this.

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Andrew Woolford avatar image Andrew Woolford commented ·
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