
mfred68 avatar image
mfred68 asked

Cant get ess to work HELP!

1000037562.jpg1000037563.jpgIt was fun and easy to install and wire up my Victron system, but setting it up is another story, in fact a nightmare.

I'm trying to setup ess, I've set all the1000037564.jpg parameters, I don't want to export, and I want to use battery power all the time until I hit the minimum soc limit, I've set to 15% and grid setpoint to 0w, but now my inverter is stuck on with the mains and bulk lights on but the batteries are not charging and it's not inverting. This is doing my head in. I really need some help here, anyone?

Also the inverter is showing as blocked on the remote console, please see my pics.1000037556.jpg1000037561.jpg

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2 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Hi do you have an mk3 ve bus interface connected?

Also your battery says 32% soc, shunt says 100%

Whats set as battery monitor in vrm?

How is your battery bms connected to system? Can it communicate with it?

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mfred68 avatar image mfred68 commented ·
I do have mk3 connected, I've been using it to try and set this up on my windows computer.

The 32% soc is from the battery bme and this has been chosen for monitoring, I have not yet set up the lynx shunt as I now feel I don't need it, being that my batteries are communicating with the system. The batteries are connected via a type a cable to bms can on the cerbo.

When the inverter is running in ess mode and the grid setpoint is 0% should the "inverting" light be on? Because in my case the "mains" light is on.

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mfred68 avatar image mfred68 mfred68 commented ·
I meant set point to 0w , the mains light is on and no indication of power flow directions are shown on the screen, just static lines as in the picture above
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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

the mk3 needs to be disconnected from the system to function right, thats why you have blocked on multiplus

its better to have a the grid setpoint at 50w or so when you dont want to feed the grid, 0w wont work

for ESS setup and more info, follow this guide, most answers are in there:

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mfred68 avatar image mfred68 commented ·
Thanks for the info, advice and link. I will experiment again after work this evening.

I did last night watch the youtube video as in the link showing how to set up the ess system, but I still need to know how the multiplus lights should be illuminated while in ess mode, as mine showed the mains light on not the inverter light. And my display did not show any power animations on the lines between the battery, inverter, grid or load, could it jave frozen?

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