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pacman42 asked

Easy Solar 2 RCD Tripping when Grid Power is switched to Batteries.

Hello Everything,

I have a problem with my Easy solar 2 Victron Inverter setup. Currently the inverter is set up to come off the Grid, which then powers my critical loads. Once I lose mains power the batteries then start using their power and then finally the generator kicks in as a final measure.

The other day when I turned the mains power off and the batteries worked as intended with no rcbo tripping at the main switch before the inverter.

However when I came back today the rcbo tripped when I switched from mains power to Batteries. I have taken a photo to explain the wiring diagram and a photo of the rcbo for guidance.

Could someone please help me figure out why the rcbo may be tripping as the setup was originally working now I'm having this issue occur.

Thanks in advance



rcd tripping
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