
zoiberg avatar image
zoiberg asked

Carlo Gavazzi EM511

I bought a Carlo Gavazzi EM511 smart meter. Unfortunately it is not supported by the Cerbo operating system. Has anyone tried this meter? In the Cerbo smart meter has ID 1792.

Isn't there an possibility for a different known ID of the smart meter? Registres are the same with others Carlo Gavazzi.

Thank you.

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3 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Hi this meter is indeed unsupported, doubt if you can get it to work

as far as i know you cant change the modbus ID

(Only the adress)

Here is a link to the CG EM511 modbus protocol

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zoiberg avatar image
zoiberg answered ·

Thank you very much. I know that I will not change the modbus ID of the smart meter. I am interested in it is possible to change at the cerbo os level. Push a different another one identifier to the operating system. So if you understand me. Thanks.

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

maybe it can be done with venus OS on a raspberrypi,

you can try to ask this question in the modifications section

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