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slowjoe asked

Constantly losing Bluetooth connection with SmartSolar 150/35 in the morning

Diagram.pdfHello, I'm constantly losing a Bluetooth connection (iOS phone) with my SmartSolar 150/35. Im using Cyrix Li Charge to separate the battery bank from MPPT. The main issues and questions are:

  1. After sunset the MPPT is off and not available via Bluetooth. Is it normal? Before I had smaller SmartSolar 100/30 and I had access via Bluetooth during a night time.
  2. In most cases (not always but 99% of time) in the morning the MPPT Bluetooth is not available so I do not see the device in VictronConnect app even though I was visible the day before no matter if its early morning or sunny noon. The MPPT is charging and has normal operation.
  3. Only After disconnection of PV and Battery and reconnection I can connect and see my MPPT via Bluetooth but the next day it is again not visible. During last couple of weeks, 2 times it came up visible in the morning but I cant see any reason or pattern why.

Do you know any fix for that problem? Thx in advance as it is very annoying as I don't have a good access for switching off the PV and for sure It shouldn't be working this way.

I'm attaching my electrical diagram for more details if necessary.


MPPT SmartSolar
diagram.pdf (1.2 MiB)
2 |3000

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