
roblatour avatar image
roblatour asked

ESS setup to power home but not feed into grid

I would appreciate some help with the settings for ESS on my system, I have a:

Multiplus II 12/3000/120

10x 12 volt 100W solar panels

MPTT 150/85 - TR - VE.Can

Smart shunt

Venus running on a Raspberry Pi

Li-Time 400 AH battery

a home wired to North America standards (110v)

I have on order a:

STC-013 sensor which I plan to connect into my Multiplus

How I would like to set up ESS is as follows:

- keep the battery fully charged at all times unless there is a power failure (the ESS setting for this seems clear)

- Have, as a first priority, the PV power coming in used to charge the battery

- Have any excess PV power redeployed within my home, to a maximum of 10 Amps

- NOT have any excess PV power from my system feed into the grid (if my PV power coming in exceeds the amount of power needed to power my home, then that power should be forfeited/go unused but it should NOT feed the grid)

- Have grid power coming in charge (top up) the battery only when I set a setting to have this happen (otherwise it would normally wait for the next day when the PV power can do this)

- Have the inverter normally off, but in the case of a grid power failure have it (the inverter) turn on

(I could do this manually if needed)

- I don't need multiple phases

In order to know how to set this up, I've watch the ESS setup video and read the ESS instructions at

plus searched for examples of similar setups and watched some related Youtube videos, but I feel I need more of an explanation.

If anyone has documented such a setup up and would be willing to share that would be great.

Thanks in advance.

ESSess settings
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2 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Hi you should find all the info here:

In remote console on vrm, you can set PV to not feed in. Only to charge batterys and supply your house ( critical loads ac out 1)

all other options you asked are in ESS and run automatic, no need for manual adjustments

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roblatour avatar image
roblatour answered ·

@Duivert NL Thanks, but it didn't help much. The example says "All loads are wired on the AC output of the inverter/charger." - I don't want that. I want to back feed into my home wiring, but not into the grid. I'm assuming this is possible.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

You need to go through the ESS design docs and free training. It will answer your questions:

We don’t encourage broad design topics and many of your questions are already addressed in training and manuals, not to mention existing topics.

Your main requirement easily achieved with an energy meter (this is well documented). The system is not designed to be powered oft and then seamlessly power itself on for a failure.

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Related Resources

What is ESS training video

ESS Quick Installation Guide

ESS design and installation manual

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic