
sgt997 avatar image
sgt997 asked

1 have 2 100/30 solar controller they are of . how you turn them on

my 2 solar controller have voltage from the solar panels. but are turn of . i have a multyplus 2 .and a cerbo gx . and a smart shunt . 2 SOK batteries . at 280 amp each . does matter if it is in the morning . or in the afternoons in full sun . they have voltage in . but the app on cerbo gx or iphone app said 0 watt ? . do i need to buy a another controller brand ?

MPPT SmartSolar
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

No, just ask a professional supplier to help you.

This is crystal ball stuff, almost certainly your installation and/or configuration, or the lack of.

Insufficient detail for anyone to help you.

Rather document your installation, take pictures, send screenshots of charts (pv voltage, battery voltage etc).

Unfortunately, the number of topics of poor experiences that involve (unsupported) SOK batteries are many.

Help us to help you, post details that actually allow someone to help.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

from a duplicate post, your chargers are set to 12V but you have two batteries in series, or something is wired wrong for 24V, and PV voltage is 13V.

Considering you need at least 30V and a correctly configured charger to work, your issues are all a result of bad installation and configuration.

Get someone to help you so the chargers are set to the right voltage and charger settings (you’re also using the wrong charge profile), or fix whatever is causing a 24V reading.

Sort out your panels as well so the voltage is correct.

With respect, its a bit of a dogs breakfast.

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sgt997 avatar image sgt997 commented ·

my batterie are connects in parallel 12 volt

and my solar panel are connected in parallel 3xat 27volt each to one 100/30 controller .the over panel 4x at 13.5 volt each to the second 100/30 . should i instead connect by solar panel in series instead to achive a higther voltage ?

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sgt997 avatar image sgt997 commented ·
got it fix . had the cable on the batterie and pv wwong

everyting work now thx

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