
seglarn avatar image
seglarn asked

Pin code reset

Hi, i sold my boat and cant remember the pincode for the smartshunt. I know how to reset it according to the instruction but i cant find a puk code on the sticker. Only a serial code and the letter PN where it should be PUK and the next line starts with SHU followed by 9 digits. But dosnt work according to the new owner

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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

The sticker with the PUK is on the other side of the SmartShunt - should be on the right side, in the same area as the sticker with the SN is on the left side. That's one of those products where the sticker has to be so small to fit on the unit that they had to break it up into two separate stickers, one on each side.

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seglarn avatar image seglarn commented ·
Thanks, i check with the new owner if he can find it
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