
fli037 avatar image
fli037 asked

EVCS cannot communicate with Cerbo gx

1000023452.jpgI have connected today EVCS to existing Victron installation that comprises 3 Multi ii 5000 VA in a ESS config, a Fronius gen 24 10 kW on Multi AC out, an MPPT and 32kWh Pylontech battery bank.

EVCS is connected on Multi AC in and configured in the same network with fixed ip

Cerbo GX ip is (lan cable) and (wifi)

EVCS detects Cerbo GX both ip's and VRM id but when i press Check it gives an error that it cannot communicate with Cerbo GX on any of the 2 ip's.

I have enabled TCP Modbus on Cerbo GX and I can detect the EVCS ip and the device is saved.

I have updated Cerbo GX firmware to v3.32

EVCS firmware is updated to v.1.28

I have tried to whitelist the Cerbo GX ip's in EVCS setting without success.

I have restarted Cerbo and EVCS several times...

Reset of EVCS to factory settings and seup again did not help.

EVCS can charge the car manually but the figures displayed are not correct in EVCS webpage and on VRM (AC power 0, battery 0).

When EVCS in auto, although I was exporting 11kW to the grid the message was "waiting on sun".

Can someone help me?

VRM portal ID: c0619ab3c264







cerbo gxModbus TCPevcs
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Hi, can I take a look at your system?
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2 Answers
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

You have to enable Modbus TCP service, it is disabled

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jchowdhury avatar image jchowdhury commented ·
Hi Lucian

I have the same problem and have tried many ways with no luck. EVCS can see the Cerbo on its dashboard but Cerbo GX cannot find the EVCS. I've added EVCS IP manually and Modbus TCP is enabled but still no luck.Cerbo version 3.32, EVCS version 1.28. I've been stuck in this condition for many months. please let me know how can I fix this

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are both devices in the same network?

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jchowdhury avatar image jchowdhury Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
Yes same network
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what's the IP address of each device? Is there any router between them ?
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jchowdhury avatar image jchowdhury Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Actually, Cerbo is connected via Ethernet IP

and EVCS is connected via wifi (via a wifi extender), IP

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Then it might be something wrong with that extender, maybe not all the communication is correctly pushed from one side of the network to the other. If it is possible, try without the extender, just to make sure that's causing the issues.
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jchowdhury avatar image jchowdhury Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

The issue has now been resolved. Many thanks Lucian. Cebo can see the EVCS now and everything looks fine. I can see EVCS is on Cerbo's device list.


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jchowdhury avatar image jchowdhury Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks, Lucian. I will have a look and get back to you soon.

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jchowdhury avatar image jchowdhury jchowdhury commented ·

Hi Lucian, We haven't changed wifi extender yet to see if that makes any difference. In the meantime, I am wondering if we can use Cerbo's access point network as a source of wifi for EVCS? I can see Cerbo lists its access point in the wifi list (please see below). I am saying, can I use that Venus-HQ203523XIL-09d as wifi to connect EVCS ? Also, at this moment you can see EVCS device name is also listed to Cerbo's wifi list. Just to let you know that EVCS can see the cerbo and can communicate but Cerbo cannot see EVCS and doesn't show in the modbus TCP device list, even though it sees the EVCS in the wifi device list. Any other suggestion for me please? I've been stuck with this for many months, your support is highly appreciated. thanks


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Yes, it can be done both ways:

EVCS connected to the AP of the GX

GX connected to the AP of the EVCS

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jchowdhury avatar image jchowdhury Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

We've tried to connect again today but received the following error, the IP address you can see in the error message is for the EVCS


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jchowdhury avatar image jchowdhury jchowdhury commented ·
just to add: Cerbo via ethernet and EVCS via wifi but same network
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Can you tell me the VRM portal ID of your GX, so I can have a look ?
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Start Modbus TCP address 808 is for the GX to detect if in there is a Fronius inverter at that IP address. It's not an error.
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jchowdhury avatar image jchowdhury Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

I've added EVCS manually but still Cerbo doesn't see the EVCS


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jchowdhury avatar image jchowdhury Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi, how can i change my username please, it shows my email as username ?

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the username is "admin" and cannot be changed. Not sure what you mean by email address.
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jchowdhury avatar image jchowdhury Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
sorry ignore please, this is related to my Victron community account
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jchowdhury avatar image jchowdhury Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

This is from the EVCS dashboard


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fli037 avatar image
fli037 answered ·

Indeed, Modbus TCP service was disabled. Works now!

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