
williamv avatar image
williamv asked

EC charging Station

Is there a way to display EV charger on remote console ?

ev charger
2 |3000

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But it is 1716366046689.png

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1716366046689.png (74.4 KiB)
williamv avatar image williamv Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
Thanks for your reply but I meant on the Colour console display. I have it available as on your pic.

Also, it it normal to lose all settings on the EV charger when power is disconnected requiring reprogramming and sync to Cerbo GX.

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It was not added on the old GUI because a new version will be released soon, and on that one, the EVCS is displayed.
No, it is not normal to lose the settings. I never heard of this behavior.

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williamv avatar image williamv Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
Many thanks for your response and all noted.

Having installed the system 2 months ago I get 2 alarms high voltage and high charge current #29 and 512 when the 12 x US5000 batteries reach 100 percent SOC. The alarms clear after 5 to 10 mins. I tried numerous settings as suggested on the community but I still have the issue. Would it be possible for you to log into my system and check the settings. Maybe you don't offer that facility if not I apologise for asking.


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Try reducing the max charge voltage in DVCC, that should help
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