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tranxxenolab asked

Load "hiccup" on SmartSolar MPPT 75|15

I am having an issue that I'm not sure how to diagnose. I have a SmartSolar MPPT 75|15 (fully updated) with a DC-DC converter taking the 12V to 5V to go into a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W (with PiJuice Hat for RTC and power on-off purposes and no battery connected). The battery is a 5.2Ah AGM and I have a 25W panel connected. Load output is set to AlwaysOn. The battery is being fully charged by the panel, and the Pi is only drawing 100-200mA or so. Nevertheless, occasionally the Pi resets itself, which indicates that something is going on with the current to the Pi (because it doesn't do this when connected with the same setup to the mains, nor when it is connected to the PiJuice with lithium ion battery). Besides looking into the DC-DC converter, is there something else I should look into on the Victron? Should I just connect the DC-DC converter to the battery? Because, as I mentioned, this doesn't happen when using a PiJuice+battery setup. Thanks for any suggestions!

MPPT SmartSolar
2 |3000

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