
duclos-laurent avatar image
duclos-laurent asked

Venus OS on Proxmox VM -> feasible?

Hello to all,

After long hours Google research, not sure it is possible to install Venus OS on a Proxmox VM?

Does anyone try and succeed to do it?

If yes, any help can be helpful (Proxmox version, tutorial, Venus OS version to install...)


venus sdk
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1 Answer
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @duclos_laurent

I dont think you'd be able to install venus os fromt he images provided (ARM based)

However i imagine it's possible to build the component elements in debian, might be painful though.

I've never tried this but I have seen threads on it:

The Venusian: Venus on top of Debian - Victron Community (

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duclos-laurent avatar image duclos-laurent commented ·

I also find 2 way maybe to mount Venus OS on t Proxmox VM :

1st link seams working, I will try it

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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 duclos-laurent commented ·
I stand corrected. Let me know how you get on
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