
fabricio avatar image
fabricio asked

How do I make my system prioritize the use of energy from the solar panels in my home?

Good morning everybody! How are you?

There are 3 ways to supply electricity at home.

Firstly through the 12 solar panels that exist in my house, secondly through the public energy network, and the third way is through a Dyness battery, model PowerBox F-10.

The problem is, when the sun is shining and the public grid is activated, my Quattro 48V|10000Va|140A inverter is giving priority to consumption first from the public grid, then from the battery, and finally from the 12 solar panels.

With this in mind, I would like some help so that my system follows the following supply order: When there is sun, give priority to the use of solar energy, when there is no way to use energy from the panels, use energy from the public grid and finally , using battery energy as a backup as the last alternative when there is neither public grid energy nor solar energy.

Thank you in advance, a hug

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Either AC ignore (ve config- virtual switch) or AC conditional connect (victron connect)

Or ESS if you have a GX and are allowed to by local regulations.

Added some tags so resources appear on the section for it.

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fabricio avatar image fabricio commented ·

Ok Alexandra, I'll try to do this.
Thank you so much!

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