
tomas-kucera avatar image
tomas-kucera asked

Compatibility panel with MPPT

I would like add new panels. May I use new panels Aiko Comet 2N+ A610MAH72Dw with MPPT Victron? Victron in general says, that can´t use external optimizer as Tigo, Solaredge, etc. It can destroy MPPT. In datasheet for this panel I found that this panel have partial shaiding optimisation inside. Is realy possible optimise every cell by electronic? May be solved by busbar. I'm worried about ordering, but this panel is good for me. Is it safe with MPPT? Thanks for answer, best regard Tomas

MPPT SmartSolar
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4 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Looks like a normal high power panel to me, so would be no problem with mppt

But use the mppt calculator for the right victron mppt:

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tomas-kucera avatar image
tomas-kucera answered ·

Hi, I will write in english due to someone else. Aiko panel with partial shading optimization is possible to use with Victron MPPT. This is´t an electronic optimisation, but only cell with new back contact. Learn more in link bellow.

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frank007 avatar image frank007 commented ·
@Tomas Kucera Thanks for answer :)

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tomas-kucera avatar image
tomas-kucera answered ·

Thanks, have a nice time. Tomas

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frank007 avatar image
frank007 answered ·

@Tomas Kucera Ahoj, ako si to vyriesil? Vyzera, že rozumieš po SK/CZ a ja budem riešiť podobnú situáciu, teda rád by som použil podobné panely Neosolar 2S+ a tiež majú technológiu "partial shading" a či je s tým victron mppt v poriadku? máš to už odskúšané? Ďakujem

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