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code-chief asked

EV Charger NS with fixed Type 2 cable or modification possible?

I was happy to see the new "NS" model looking more modern, then disappointed when I realized it still has a Type 2 plug instead of a fixed cable. Most chargers on the market have fixed cables or options for them, and I really hate plug-in cables for many reasons...

The product video with the lady connecting the charger is a perfect demonstration of why having a separate cable is a bad idea. Besides the extra expense, you have to go get it from the boot/funk of the car, carry the weight in the car, lug it around and fight with it, find the right end to plug in, get dirty when picking it up, clean your car or fight with it to put it in a bag whilst getting your clothes dirty anyway. I just can't understand why this should be considered normal. It certainly doesn't help EV adoption.

The most basic design requirement should be to facilitate a simple park, plug-in then walk away process. No expensive removable cable to worry about, no hassle, no luggage/wasted space in the car, no dirt. The only way to do that is with a fixed cable on the charger and a sensible mount to stop it falling on the ground.

Suggestion - Provide an option/conversion for the NS version, so the plug in the middle is just a storage mount for the car end of the Type 2 cable, still wrapped around the case but with no plug-end, instead wired-in through the bottom of the device. In this configuration, AC would come in via the entry point at the back.

Question - Could an existing EV Charger NS be modified this way? I saw this video in which, if you look carefully, it seems this modification has already been done on the generation 1 charger. The NS version/generation 2 looks sealed inside though, not so easy to modify.

ev charger ns
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