
dacron avatar image
dacron asked

Grid code Password

Hi is anyone willing to send me the grid code password for G99 please ? I have visited my parents on the Isle of Wight and update the multiplus firmware that I fitted a few years back and it’s now asking for the password, I have requested it but its Sunday so won’t get a reply until tomorrow and I’m going home tonight so want to get sorted while here if possible. I no longer work installing these systems which is why I don’t have it. Thanks

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4 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


It quite literally has not changed in years. So if you knew it before you will know it now.

And why do you need to change the grid code? That is the only reason it is needed. Installation has not moved and should still have to adhere to the same standard.

A firmware update won't change the grid code or reset it. So resetting up will be ok as it is.

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dacron avatar image dacron commented ·

I haven’t changed it for years the system was on version ++.2 which didn’t want a password and has upgraded to version ++.10. I gave up two years ago before this changed. It’s not a problem I’ll get the code from the supplier was just hoping not to have to pay the ferry to visit the island so quickly again. I’m still an electrician just not doing solar etc. Thanks

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dacron avatar image dacron dacron commented ·


Here is the file I backed up from the system before I upgraded which is not now compatible and didn’t require a password

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img-1598.jpeg (2.0 MiB)
Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ dacron commented ·

The system can be programmed over the VRM if you have a GX as well and it is online.

For interest sake, what is the reason it can't stay on G98?

The first set up does not require a password. It is only when it is being altered. Which as you can imagine for liability not everyone should be doing.

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dacron avatar image dacron Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Yes I use the vrm to backup, monitor and access Node Red. I’m not changing from G99, on the previous firmware as shown there wasn’t a distinction between the two. The system has been asking for the two firmwares to be upgraded and I noticed viewing through the VRM wasn’t showing realtime. All sorted now and working perfectly.

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

I dont think its allowed to post it here, google will tell you in 1 search :)

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dacron avatar image dacron commented ·
I‘ve looked but can’t find it was hoping someone would send it to me
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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

It won't be posted here. But it is definitely on google.

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dacron avatar image dacron commented ·

can I ask what to search for I just can’t find it ?

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sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

Concatenate the name of the manufacturer and the thread title.

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dacron avatar image dacron commented ·
Sorted thanks
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