
Rabeendra Tilakaratne avatar image
Rabeendra Tilakaratne asked

MPPT status

Dears. I use Cerbo-GX connected to Multiplus II and Smart Solar 150/35 MPPT with 15kWh battery. Battery charging is only by Solar. I need to get a signal whether MPPT is ON or OFF. I am already using the Cerbo-GX relay for generator starting and stopping. How can I get this MPPT ON/OFF signal ?



MPPT SmartSolar
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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Rabeendra Tilakaratne

Are you using the VRM? You can set up an alarm there.

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Rabeendra Tilakaratne avatar image Rabeendra Tilakaratne commented ·
Yes. I am using VRM. But I need to get a physical signal to use with my PLC. I need to automate the system to run without any human interact.

I am charging the battery using the MPPT. But when it stops, I need to changeover the load to Grid power using automatic changeover. Once MPPT stats working on next day morning I need to switch the changeover back to Battery/Inverter. I am already using the Relay 1 on Cerbo-GX to get the SOC to same.

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

hi can't you use relay 2 from the cerbo for that?

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Rabeendra Tilakaratne avatar image Rabeendra Tilakaratne commented ·
I check all the documents and VRM. It can use only for temperature related settings. If it is possible, that is the best option.
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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Hi @Rabeendra Tilakaratne

How handy are you with programming?

Because you can use the Modbus TCP and there you have a register (791 for Solar Charger) that maps to the /MppOperationMode DBus path and that info tells you if the MPPT is active or not.

Or even on a much lower level, you can read with/from Cerbo the VE_REG_LINK_RTC_SOLAR (0x2030) Victron register over CAN bus and also obtain the light/dark information.

Of course, you can then make a small automation in Node-Red and drive the second Cerbo relay with the result.


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Rabeendra Tilakaratne avatar image Rabeendra Tilakaratne commented ·
Thank you Alex for the method you shared. I need to check this with one of my friends who is an expert in this kind of programming. I will update you after checking.

Thank you for the support.

Best Regards,


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