
mr-manuel avatar image
mr-manuel asked

RCD tripping when connecting to grid after firmware update


after I updated the firmware of my MultiPlus II 48/5000/70-50 from 497 to 508 every time I try to connect the grid the RCD trips. If I put the MultiPlus in "Charge only" then it works without problems.

I live in Italy and have this constellation:

Grid -> RCD 30mA (which trips) -> MutliPlus II -> RCD 30mA -> Mains.

When I bypass the MultiPlus II by cabeling all works also fine. Before the firmware upgrade everything also worked fine. I checked everything on cabeling, but it makes no sense to me, since nothing changed and it is working when I put the MultiPlus in "Charge only".

To me it seems, that the grid relay is not disconnecting before connecting the grid, but I don't know why.



Is there a way to downgrade the firmware to 497 again? Unfortunately I was not able to find the firmware on, a direct link would be great in case I missed it.

rcd trippinggrid relay
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6 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

I think you need to return it for bench testing. If you have followed the advice here for error 11 and the firmware is current, which it seems to be:,failure%20(eg%20inoperable%20relays).

Then, most likely, one of the dual input relays has failed.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·
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mr-manuel avatar image
mr-manuel answered ·

Ok, now I downgraded the firmware, but the error persists.

I now replaced the RCD with a normal braker and now I get this error:


1711737092862.png (28.9 KiB)
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mr-manuel avatar image mr-manuel commented ·
After the change of the relays all is working normal again.
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dansonamission avatar image
dansonamission answered ·

We just updated the same unit from 498 to 510 and rcd now keeps tripping. This is a new unit. Doesn't matter which mode its in, inverter or charger.

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mr-manuel avatar image mr-manuel commented ·
If you know, what you are doing then connect the MultiPlus directly to the power source without RCD (but with a normal braker to protect the cables!) for the time of testing only and see, if then you get an error message in the GUI/remote console.

If you are no electrician then bring the device to a Victron partner nearby and let them check it for you.

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giampaolo avatar image
giampaolo answered ·

Hi mr. Manuel I have seen that you are in Italy (the VE Bus screen shows Italy CEI 0 21). Since I am in Italy too, my I ask you wath kind of external IP interface protection are you using . Regarding your problem with the RCD I have seen in many installations that is used a 300mA device on the inverter line.

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mr-manuel avatar image mr-manuel commented ·

Yes, I have also a 300mA one between the grid connection and the AC-In of the MultiPlus. But in my case the problem was a faulty ground relay.

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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

I’d say use a 100ma time delay rcd on it which would allow your RCBO’s to trip before the multiplus, I’ve got one on mine being a TT system not had it blip at all. Hope that helps

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