
dragonflyfla avatar image
dragonflyfla asked

MPPT 100/20

How do I set the controller to power all loads until PV capacity is exceeded then adds in battery power as needed?

Mine isn't working at all right now. What are the settings in the app? Right now I have mine on BatteryLife and I have removed the jumper link per the manual. I believe these are the default settings.

MPPT SmartSolar
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4 Answers
delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

If you have an MPPT and a load on the same battery, that's exactly how it will work.

If you have 10A from your MPPT and an 8A load, the MPPT powers the load and sends the extra 2A to the battery (unless it's full). If you have 10A from your MPPT and an 12A load, the MPPT powers10A of the load and the battery powers 2A.

It can't work any other way.

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dragonflyfla avatar image dragonflyfla commented ·
Thanks for responding. What about the app settings? How is your setup? Mine isn't working and I admit I have played with the setting trying to get it to work. How do I reset it?
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delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

What voltage is your system and what is the load you're powering?

In Victron connect the "reset to defaults" is under settings, then the three dots in the top right.

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dragonflyfla avatar image dragonflyfla commented ·

A link to the load options if anyone is interested -

Jumper Settings

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dragonflyfla avatar image
dragonflyfla answered ·

I'm still on 12v - 4 Battleborn 100Ah, running a 12v pump off another MPPT. Usually have it off, only turn it on when I need it. 4 Battleborn 100Ah

Didn't get it going. It did reset my battery options and probably the load operation mode which is BatteryLife. Perhaps I got a bad one.

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delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

Difficult to say without a schematic etc, but it's possible the unit may be faulty.

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