
ticcer01 avatar image
ticcer01 Suspended asked

Should I use series or parallel


I have 2x 105AH lead-acid batteries connected in Parallel for 12v 210AH.

I'm planning to add 2x 505W LONGi solar panels to my setup (1 now, and likely a 2nd in the future - hence the following question), I was going to use 2 of them in series to optimise my charging in less than perfect conditions / winter etc. These panels have a Voc of 45.7v (at STC) - given a small safety margin would you consider these in series to be too much for a SmartSolar 100/50?

I have no issue connecting these in parallel, it's a relatively small setup etc. the difference will be negligable but people on the forums always claim series is better due to the voltage in low light conditions.

(I'm aware these could produce in the region of 70-80a but money is tight, and also the batteries being 210ah means I should only charge them with 50-60a max anyway apparently.)

Thanks in advance!

Nathan (newbie)

MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Series/parallel won't make any difference to the max charge current the batteries receive. It can extend charging period at the end of the day and in poor weather. But your panels have a high voltage, so there won't be a lot of difference.

Best not to take a chance with going over the voltage limit. Use the Victron MPPT calculator to help with the decision.

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