
Frank Ren avatar image
Frank Ren asked

SmartSolar high voltage zero current after extending solar cables

I have a setup which works fine for half a year.

  • Eight panels, in four groups of series (2 x 4)
  • Two SmartSolar 100/20 48v for two parallel series, which mean four pairs of solar cables between the groups and MPPT
  • Multiplus II 3000
  • Cerbo GX
  • Pylontech C2000

Last night, the four pairs of solar cables were extended by 15 meters each. Now I get zero production.


The forcast is good, but nothing was generated.


I have labelled both ends of the new solar labels, and tested that they are connected correctly.

What could have gone wrong? Thank you so much!

MPPT SmartSolar
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2 Answers
Frank Ren avatar image
Frank Ren answered ·

Found the root cause: the wire went loose on a ring terminal while moving the Multiplus. Lesson learned: always check wiring or disconnect and reconnect it when moving equipments from one place to another.

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Frank Ren avatar image
Frank Ren answered ·

Forgot to say that the detected battery voltage from MPPT was misleading - when it's not connected, the float voltage is displayed.

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