
andysprinter avatar image
andysprinter asked

MPPT history anomaly

MPPT 100/30. When I look at the history for a particular day it shows a peak power of 241w but on the trend graph it only shows 174w. Which one is correct?

MPPT SmartSolar
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Screen shots might help

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andysprinter avatar image andysprinter Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Thanks Alexandra. The output is from a 300w panelimg-2796.png300w panelimg-2797.jpeg

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img-2797.jpeg (677.0 KiB)
img-2796.png (545.0 KiB)
Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ andysprinter commented ·

I am inclined to go with Nickdb answer (as you were) about data points.

I have a 100/30 with 360W panel. Was looking through the trends data and the history.

Sometimes I have a 10W difference sometimes 100w difference in the trends vs the peak recorded.



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1000026354.jpg (218.9 KiB)
1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Charting often averages, or smooths, a sample over the sample period, with an actual peak being higher and recorded separately.

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