
thieu avatar image
thieu asked

Multiple MPPT chargers connected to a single PV array and a single Battery

My setup is:

4000w PV array. 3s3p

MPPT SmartSolar 150/45

2x Pylontech US5000

Multiplus 2 48/3000/35

Cerbo GX

The SmartSolar maxes out at around 2500w but I want to use more of the available 4000w PV array.

My question is, can I add a second SmartSolar 150/45 in parallel and synchronize them to work as one big charger?

MPPT SmartSolar
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

They cannot share a common PV array, that must be split. This is well documented in the manuals.

They can share a common battery, no issues, but you will want to coordinate charging via a smart network or wired Cerbo.

Just RTM, all the answers are there.

You will probably be better off buying a properly sized MPPT and sell your old one.

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thieu avatar image thieu commented ·

I did read a lot of manuals, including this manual about synchronised charging...

I couldn't figure out if it will work with one PV array.

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delf67 avatar image delf67 thieu commented ·
If you can't see why that wouldn't work, maybe you should be getting a professional in to do this for you.
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thieu avatar image thieu delf67 commented ·
I'm over 30 years in industrial automation. I consider myself a professional.

I'm just not fully aware of all the software capability's of Victron.

That's where this forum is for right? To ask questions...

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thieu avatar image
thieu answered ·

I do understand why 2 MPPT chargers don't work with one PV array, because both of them load down the array, therefore they can't work independent. However, if they talk to each other, it should be possible in software. One charger is providing the power point tracking part and tells the other just how to load the array.

Since the programmers at Victron are at a very high level of knowledge, I could imagine this is possible... That's why I asked.

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