
piotr-sol avatar image
piotr-sol asked

SmartSolar monitoring over VE.Smart

I'm expanding my boat system and need to add a couple of SmartSolar MPPts. I have 2 already (old ones without BT) adding 4. All my GX's VE.Direct ports are already in use.

I know I can add USB hub and network SmartSolars using VE.Direct <> USB cable anyway I would love to avoid even more cables....

Is there any way to use VE.Smart BT to link all SmartSolars + GX (GX has BT anyway AFAIK it is missing VE.Smart functionality, any plans to add?) or all new SmartSolars over VE.Smart + one of them over VE.Direct to the GX??? Or is VESmart for synchronised charging only?

Another question: USB<>VE.Direct converted has male VE.Direct plug at the end - any way to make VE.Direct cable longer? Barel connection?


MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

A BT communication from MPPT to GX device is currently not possible, you need to use wires.

I would recommend to extend the to USB cable on the USB side not on the side.

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piotr-sol avatar image piotr-sol commented ·
And I cannot use the SmartSolar wired to the GX as a bridge between VE.Smart BT networked devices?
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ piotr-sol commented ·
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