
ahelwig avatar image
ahelwig asked

Can I connect a solar mppt charger and a ac charger at the same time

I’m trying to set up a solar generator in the back of my truck for an off grid camping trip. I think I have the solar panels, charge control, and battery all figured out. I have an 400w ac outlet in the bed of my truck that powers when the truck is running. The solar panels will be on the roof of my truck so will be charging the battery during the days. I will be driving several hours a day as well. I was thinking to help the solar panels out I could plug in an ac charger in the bed of my truck while I was driving. I know that I could get a dc to dc charger to charge while I was driving but that would require extra wiring under the hood I’m not comfortable doing with a brand new truck. Both the charge control and the ac charger I would use would be Vricton

MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Yes. Make sure same battery settings on all

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