
cvelezg10 avatar image
cvelezg10 asked

ESS control when charged only with a PV module

The ccgx says the ESS's charging current can be set to a percentage between 0 and 100, is it only possible when charging it via the grid? My intention is to "switch out" the charging of the ESS in favor of another charge when using only PV generation (0 power coming from the grid) in hours when the solar irradiance is scarce, is it possible? Thank you

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1 Answer
Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·


Yes it can charge from the PV only.

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cvelezg10 avatar image cvelezg10 commented ·

Hi Rob first of all, thank you so much for answering. I think I didnt properly ask for my actaul question, what I tried to ask was whether it is possible to completely stop charging the ESS in favor of another charge when using only PV energy in case the latter is scarce

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie cvelezg10 commented ·


Yes you can set the ESS system to charge from only PV or force charge from grid etc.

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cvelezg10 avatar image cvelezg10 Rob Duthie commented ·

Hi Rob, thank you so much for answering again so soon, and is it possible to ignore the ESS's charging while still being able to charge something else? lets say I want to charge a vehicle and I want it to get all the available energy from the PV module (lets say there is not an available connection to the grid) while leaving the ESS to charge only after the vehicle's charging finished, would the ccgx allow it? thank you

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie cvelezg10 commented ·


I think is can, if no grid is connected, just acts like a charge controller. As long as the unit is big enough to supply the car electrical requirements e.g Nissan Leaf standard wall charger is 3kW.

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