
Peter avatar image
Peter asked

GbbOptimizer (a professional DESS alternative)

You can also try other DESS alternative:

Program has two optimizers:

  • The first one try to discharge battery if during next 24h there will be too much power and/or charge battery if during next 24h you don't reach 100% (or other defined MaxSco). It can be joined with Dynamic Scheduler to move schedulers to cheapest prices or Dynamic Discharch to discharge on highest prices.
  • The second one is based on purchase prices, sale prices, value of energy in battery and maximizes profits (like Victron Dynamic ESS). But you have more control over it. For example, you can charge up to 90% but on selected days of month you can charge to 100% (this works also with first optimizer)

Program can also help you with:

  • Full statistic per hours, days and months.
  • change start of schedule(s) based on minimal purchase price for almost all countries in Europe.
  • discharge batteries based on maximal sale price.
  • force the sales of energy when the sale price is above the set price
  • limit the sales when the price is below zero.
  • optimize schedule(s) at night (or during cheap electricity tariff) in such way than on day there is a free place in battery for power from PV.
  • optimize 'Discharge Plan' in such way than on day there is free place in battery for power from PV.
  • delay charge battery to period with minimal prices in exchange for selling electricity
  • calculate profits (in money) from Victron and PV systems
  • InterPlant Balanser: for two or more noequal Plants connected to one grid optimizer tries to transfer excess energy from one plant to other (and not to grid)
  • 'MasterPlant': to connect multiple Plants into one virtual Plant and optimize it as a whole. Good when you want to charge battery in ones plant from inverters in other plant (with Inter-Plant Balancer).
  • UK: 30 minutes time slots.
  • UK: different tariff for purchase and sales prices
  • UK: temporary change price for given period.

In additional:

  • Using ESS, so program respects all setting and limits.
  • Valuation of energy in the battery based on average purchase price (price only during charging from grid, charging from PV is free) and takes into account during optimalization
  • Optional include battery cost.
  • Import average house Load from VRM
  • Exclude extra loads (eg. EV car charging, heating pump) from house load profile
  • Import EV charger energy from Victron, from Tesla chargers, from HomeAssistant or automatically detect.
  • Forecast of Heating Pumps based on forecasted outside temperature.
  • Import PV forecast from one of 3 sources (including VRM itself)
  • Integration with HomeAssistant
  • Compare kWh from Victron with kWh from your Electricity Supplier


  • This is SaaS = Software as a Service
  • Servers are located in EU
  • Victron: You don't install anything on Cerbo
  • Victron: You don't need NodeRed.
  • Victron: You must have connection with VRM.
  • Victron: The program connects to Cerbo once an hour and modifies Cerbo settings.

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ESSdynamic essdynamic
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64 Answers
Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

AutoConverter to convert super loads (ex. EV charge) to Extra Loads (Extra Loads are not taken into account during calculate Loads forecasting)


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Optimizer based on prices has some interesting options:


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Optimizer calculates value of power in battery every hour and takes it into account during optimizing profits.


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Program also calculates efficiency of Victron system:


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pau1phi11ips avatar image pau1phi11ips commented ·
Is this still available in v9.5? I can't seem to find where it is.

Amazing work btw! Thanks so much for sharing.

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Peter avatar image Peter pau1phi11ips commented ·

Yes, in "Gain/Profits" module. But now charge and discharge are calculated separately:


Efficiency also depends on BMS: how it really calculate SOC of battery. That why on my battery I have Discharge Efficency% >100% :-)

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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Program correct PV Forecast based on real production from past.


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Version 9.0

- Change the name of program from GbbVictronWeb to GbbOptimizer :-)

- Add support for 30min time slots (in UK)

- Add different tariff for purchase prices (for UK).

- Add export whole configuration to XML file.


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

You can choose one of 3 different PV forecast source:


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hominidae avatar image hominidae commented ·
@Peter what about solcast users who have a different allowance of calls per day for their rooftop account (i.e. I am allowed 50 calls per day)?
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Peter avatar image Peter hominidae commented ·
if your data are available by standard solcast API that no problem. If your data are available by other API than I must add new import.

No user has other than "hobbyist account" up to now. :-)

Program import data every 3 hours, so 10 calls are enough.

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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Program compare PV forecast with real data and calculate accurancy% for every month.


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

During schedule charge the 'charge limit' or 'input limit' can be temporary changed:


After time of this scheduler program restores previous value of this property.

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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Version 9.1

- Almost all tables can be exported to Excel.


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

If you don't want use optimizer based on prices there are some sub-optimizers. Two of them optimize schedulers:


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

In Victron we have Schedulers = plan of charge, but there is no plan for discharge. So in GbbOptimizer there is plan for discharge:


Charge has higher priority then discharge.

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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Version 9.2

- New submodule in module 'Gain/Profits': 'Compare to Bill' - compare kWh from/to grid imported from Plant with data from your Electricity Supplier. You can import data manually or from one of predefined imports.

- Compare to Bill: Predefined imports for: "Poland: PGE (.csv)", "Poland: ENEA (.csv)", "Poland: TAURON (.csv)", "Poland: ENERGA (.csv)"


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Version 9.3

- Fast setup: After creating Plant, you can continue setting the program in new FastSetup module.


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daniel-feist avatar image daniel-feist commented ·
I tried to use this, but can't even work out how to configure a simple fixed import tarrif;

23.30->05.30 7.5p, otherwise 31p. Also, this aside unclear if it works alongside ESS, instead of ESS or what the general approach is..

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Peter avatar image Peter daniel-feist commented ·
Program dynamically changes Schedulers in ESS.
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Peter avatar image Peter daniel-feist commented ·

Setup "Purchase Prices are:" as "Fixed". Click at "Edit Transportation Costs/fixed Purchase prices" and fill this table. On bottom there is copy tool, so after fill Monday you can copy data to other weekdays.

I send you email about other issue: I think you have BETA of firmware where there is a BUG in mqtt, so answer to email.

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Peter avatar image Peter Peter commented ·

To workaround the Bug check this checkbox:


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Discharge Plan has a lot of interesting submodules. For example, you can fast discharge battery for given time or/and to given SOC:


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Other interesting submodule is simulate "Price<0". It can be use for example to temporary disconnect from grid:


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Version 9.4

- Forecast: program saves forecast every hour in history (after Hour Job or on request) and keeps history of forecast for 24 hours.

- Gain/Profits: Separation of Efficiency% calculation into Charging Efficiency% and Discharging Efficiency%


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

If you don't want use optimizer based on prices there are some sub-optimizers. Three of them optimize discharge plan:

1) Discharge when prices are highest:


2) Don't send power to grid until highest prices:


3) Discharge only during day or night (day=from sunrice to sunset)


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Program can import prices from different sources:


"No prices..." can be use with fixed prices, not depending on dynamic prices.

For UK you can setup different tariff for export and different tariff for import


For Poland there is support of 'hour balance'.

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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Version 9.5

- Profits: Calculate value of Electric Vehicle charge energy (also Heating Pomp, Generic 1 and 2) per hours, per days and per months.


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hominidae avatar image hominidae commented ·
@Peter can you please elaborate on how you capture data for EV, heatpump, etc.

For example, I have a non victron wallbox for my EVs and a separate tariff for heatpump and EVs (fixed price) from household (tibber).

With my local Node-Red installation, I am able to feed/provide Power-measurement for Grid, Household, heatpump and EVs, though...VRM is not able to distinguish these.

Also, I've read in your summary on your homepage, that PV-energy stored in battery (or directly used) is considered with a cost of zero, which is simply not least for people which are allowed to feed-in for a fee, the are loosing that money, hence.



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Peter avatar image Peter hominidae commented ·

ad1. There are some methods to enter EV, heatpump etc data: (a) enter it manually (b) EV can be imported from VRM (c) if your EV charge has public API I can add import from this API. (d) if your tibber has API to import such information I can add import to program. For (c) and (d) contact with me on Discord.

ad2. I think you should start using program to understand way how program calculate gain/profit. Baseline is: how many you pay for energy for your loads without any PV, battery and feed-in. If optimalization causes than you pay less than this is your "Gain/profit". Optimizer try to increase your Profit. If you feed-in than this increase gain/profit. If you use PV energy for loads that this increase your gain/profit because you don't purchase power from grid.

You can use program without sending data to Cerbo (test mode)

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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

'Optimizer based on prices' works very well also with very simple price schemas.


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Version 9.6

- Fast price change: (specially for UK) Sales or/and purchase price can be manually change for given period.


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Version 9.7

- Battery Forecast: 'Test Mode' fast switch on and off. In Test Mode program doesn't send data to inverter.


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Version 9.8

- Schedules: You can define periods to limit charge (eg. at night). This has lower limit that charge limit on schedule.


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

For 'Optimizer based on prices' there is special option to setup days where battery should be kept about 2h with 100%.


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·
> julienlg commented · Feb 19 2024 at 2:13 PM

> Hello,
> I would like to input 30-minute time intervals. How can I do this?

We support 30-minute time intervals (eg. for UK).

> Ants Kosmos commented · Feb 13 2024 at 10:12 PM

> Suggestion.Important. In Estonia electricity taxes in weekdays from 7 to 22 are higer. What ever is kwh price.I use dess and what i see tomorrow ? Pure charging. 12kwh. Please make charge time at night only. I have 60kwh battery. VRM portal id is b827eb33b05e. I think no one is in estonia not want charge battery at weekday day. Sry my english.

We support different electricity taxes in any day and any hour.

> Any plans for implementing the feature below ?
> "Support differing transportation costs through different times of the day"

We support different transportation const throught different times of the day and different days of week.

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kent2ben avatar image kent2ben commented ·

Hi @Peter

Thanks for a quick reply! That sounds awesome!
In Denmark we have the following transportation timeslots


How does I implement that ?

The documentation says:


In Denmark there are dynamic transport charges, depending on the time of day. At the moment there is no support for this in our system, but we will plan to add it later on."

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Peter avatar image Peter kent2ben commented ·

Very simple. You fill such table:


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Peter avatar image Peter kent2ben commented ·

You have also copy tool:


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

> I'm using LFP, not that big problem for this battery type but even LFP needs some absorption from time to time. Nevertheless DESS should respect absorption time....

We have Optimizer option to keep 100% for 2h-3h for selected days in month. :-)

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some-user avatar image
some-user answered ·

Hi Peter, where can I find that optimizer setting?

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Peter avatar image Peter commented ·

Hello. If you select "Optimizer based on prices" you can see options:


And some options are on Plant:


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

> Do the enhancements also account a heater like MyPV ACthor? Of course it is just a high load for the system but the operation usecase is slightly different than a EV or heat pump.

> My understanding for EV or heat pump is that they produce the high load when they need it and the ESS just need to deal with it and bring this load into account.

Our program automatically recognizes high load, move load to 'Extra loads' section and exclude it from Load forecast. :-)

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dirks-1 avatar image dirks-1 commented ·
Sounds good, but i'm afraid that you will have full access to my ESS after i have entered my data.
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Peter avatar image Peter dirks-1 commented ·
Yes, you're right. Victron doesn't do Tokens to Cerbo. If you don't like it you must wait for DESS (which has full access to your system, too)
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Peter avatar image Peter dirks-1 commented ·

If you have HomeAssistant (or can create software) that there is open protocol and you write software to communicate to Cerbo. Then you have full control.

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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Leon Backbier

> System Not Charging Batteries Despite Negative Electricity Prices

Our system automatically prepare battery for negative prices and will charge at full speed


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

GbbOptimizer: Increase your PV profits with us!

Version 9.9

- Easy User Interface: In 'Plants' module you can switch between Easy and Advance User Interface. In Easy UI less important options are hidden.


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Version 10.0

- Due to great interest in the project and the need to launch another servers, we (with heartache) are introducing small subscriptions. The subscription cost is PLN 10/10kWh/month of batteries (about EUR 2.22/10kWh/month) or PLN 100/10kWh/year (about EUR 22.2/10kWh/year).

- Existing users automatically receive lifetime free subscriptions for believing in the program.

- There is a 14-day free subscription to test the program.

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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

A special promotion addressed to Installers to reward them for encouraging Consumers or Companies to purchase paid Services in the Program.

I encourage you to contact me on Messanger:

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gdhondt avatar image
gdhondt answered ·

I can confirm. This software is good!

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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·


Version 10.1

- Forecast: you can start animation of forecast from given time up to now


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·


> 2. DESS does not respect grid set point - eg. -200W in case of no import, no export

In our system you can setup GridSetpoint for every hour of day for export and default GridSetpoint when there is no export.

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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

In "Gain/Profits" module there is a lot of useful statistic information (per hour, per day or per month)



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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Version 10.2

- Schedules: There is 'Fast Discharge' on 'Discharge Plans' and now we added 'Fast Charge' on 'Schedules' module.


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·


GbbOptimizer is using ESS, so it respects all setting and limits.


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Version 10.3

- Optimizer based on prices: Forcing MaxSOC during day can be calculated not only from midnight to sunrise, but also from midnight to given hour.


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

> In short, that means, in my mind I have a "Default target SOC" each day that I aim to achieve. As I have LFP chemistry in my battery, I aim to charge to 100% every day. [If I had NMC chemistry, in summer, I could aim to only charge to 80% if that is easily enough to get me through the night for battery longevity].

In GbbOptimizer there is option to try to get MaxSCO (parameter) every day. This can be 80% or 100% or other value you setup in plant properties. :-)

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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Version 10.4

- Prices: Prices can be entered manually if they are missing from the official source or incorrect.


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Version 11.0

- Program has been translated to polish language


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

> I'm sorry having to confirm some of the often-mentioned issues and I turn off DESS for now.

So now time to try our program :-)

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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Version 11.1

- Communication with Deye inverter can now be V-based rather than SOC-based. Added ability to map SOC to V.


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Version 11.2

- New module: HP Forecast. The module allows you to forecast how many kWh the Heating Pump will consume depending on the temperature at a given hour.


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Version 11.3

- Import ExtraLoads from Tesla EV chargers Gen 3+


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Version 11.4

- Import ExtraLoads (eg. EVCharge, HeatingPump, Other1/2) from HomeAssistant


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Version 11.5

- Victron: Real PV production can be imported from HomeAssistant instead of Victron System. This is good for MicroInverters not connected to Victron.


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Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Version 11.6

- Victron: Relay1 or Relay2 can be switch on if SOC is higher than given or/and SellingPrice is less than given.


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