
semlohnhoj avatar image
semlohnhoj asked

What types of grid meters is the Multi RS Solar likely to support?

Just trying to plan ahead:

1) I know it's early days yet, but do we have any idea which grid meters the Multi RS Solar will support (if any) if it gets a firmware update to do grid feed in?

2) A trickier question is whether the older versions of the single tracker units will support this as well? If not then I'm considering selling my units and upgrading now to the dual tracker versions.

Has anyone had any hint of betas with meter support? And if so, which?

multi rs solar
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1 Answer
iromeo avatar image
iromeo answered ·

They announced that single-tracker units will not support feedin. So if you have the option, replace them :(

I'm in the same situation. Bought single tracker, as at that time, it was considered to maybe have in the future. Since then, I saw somewhere that only dual-tracker will support this. Single tracker will only support parallelization (and I actually got that update a few days ago).

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semlohnhoj avatar image semlohnhoj commented ·
@iRomeo can you confirm your firmware version and model number? Mine is running v1.15 and only has 'Standalone' and 'Three Phase' under the system tab in Victron Connect. They did add an option that showed parallel in an earlier version by mistake but that was removed in v1.15 unless you have a later one.

I think you're answer is what I expected though and that I'm going to have to sell both of my units and buy new ones :( I knew they were not going to get type approval for the single tracker version but I was just hoping they may provide the features anyway.

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iromeo avatar image iromeo semlohnhoj commented ·

Apologies, I meant 3phase, not parallel. Which is enabled on 1.15 as you have.

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