
adubovikov avatar image
adubovikov asked

SmartSolar MPPT RS 450/100 and 450/200 downgrade

Good morning,

Can somebody point me to the right direction? I have updated my 2 SmartSolar MPPT RS 450/100 and 450/200 to the latest version (1.15) and it stops give any electricty from PV panels. I have updated to 1.16-beta-1 , but still the same issue. Where I can download the older version for these devices, because on the VictronProfessional I can see only the actual one.




Thank you in advance!



MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
jp-miata avatar image
jp-miata answered ·

Press on "old versions" and you see the other ones.

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adubovikov avatar image adubovikov commented ·

OMG! Thank you so much :-) I feel myself so stupid :-(


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