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Tim Riley asked

Smartsolar MPPT 75/10 keeps losing bluetooth

I have two smartsolar mppt 75/10 charge controllers connected to two solar panels of similar power but different manufacturers. They have also been connected to a VE network with a smart shunt. Every so often one stops connecting to the connect app and also the VE network. I have tried swapping the solar panels leads and this leads to same problem with different charge controller. This seems to rule out the MPPT being faulty. The cables from the two panels are of a different gauge and the heavier duty ones are the ones that when connected Ito the MPPT fail. The MPPT restarts when we have have very strong sunlight only to fail to restart bluetooth after a dull day. Checking the input and output the MPPT is still charging the battery but I am unable to see it on the app or the VE network. Should I change cabling to the same gauge or is there a setting I have missed?

Thanks in advance

MPPT SmartSolar
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