
commervanfan avatar image
commervanfan asked

Mppt 75/15 big increase in battery amp

1000010454.jpgJust arrived in Spain to be greeted in a big jump in battery amps. I have checked draw on the only thing connected to the battery (apart from controller) and thos is less than 1amp. With the ampage so high, we are struggling to keep the battery charged, something we have never had an issue with before. Any advice would be appreciated.

MPPT SmartSolar
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

This shows the current the controller is pushing out, but does not split current into battery and loads before the current charges the battery. Also that battery voltage is never reaching charged state. Also shows a relatively short charging period, which is odd.

So the first question is where's it going? You say there's only a 1A load, apart from the controller. Is this a measured value since the problem started? Did you make changes recently? I'd guess there's a load, probably a new one, which stops the battery from charging. Fridge?

And why such a short charging period?

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commervanfan avatar image
commervanfan answered ·

Thanks for the quick answer. We have been on a ferry for 36hrs, so no charge, maybe the reason for the short charge?

Only things connected to the battery at present are the controller and the fridge. Measured both of these with a multimeter, the fridge was drawing around an amp, the controller was 5,6,7,8 amps.

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