
jbaker812 avatar image
jbaker812 asked

100|50 MPPT Charger won’t go out of Absobtion

To preface, I have a 100|50 MPPT solar charger, 2x 200AH Lithium batteries with 4x 100W solar panels. Everything was working perfectly until recently I noticed the solar charger not coming out of float mode. Checked all my settings and it somehow wasnt on the lithium battery setting. Got that changed and now it will not come out of absorption. My batteries are showing at 13% on the monitor, but showing 14.2V in my solar charger app which I believe where my issue may be coming from? My DC to DC charger is working fine and charging my batteries under the same settings if that matters. Any and all assistance is welcome.

MPPT SmartSolar
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

By the monitor, what monitor? A BMV? Are you sure that is good? 14.2v is more like a bulk charge voltage. Probably close to your bulk/abs set voltage on the mppt.

Is that actually the battery voltage? If not then the connection between the mppt and the battery is not good.

Another thought, have you changed the default pin on the MPPT. It is not uncommon for nearby people (also with Victron equipment) to connect to the wrong MPPT to change settings.

Are all chargers set to the same voltage?

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jbaker812 avatar image jbaker812 Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Apologies, I was referring to my battery app as my monitor here. 14.2 is my absorption voltage and 13.5 is my float.

I don’t believe that is the actual voltage as when I check the battery terminals it’s showing 11.5 on both batteries.

All chargers are set to the same voltages.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ jbaker812 commented ·
So it is possible it is being influenced by your PV side. Switch off the breakers there and see if it still remains powered.

If not then it lost connection to the battery.
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jbaker812 avatar image jbaker812 Alexandra ♦ commented ·
It does not remain powered so it seems it has lost connection to the batteries. What could be causing this?
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jbaker812 avatar image jbaker812 jbaker812 commented ·
Just wanted to follow up here and see if you could offer any insight on what might be causing it to lose connection to the battery? Im using a Lynx power distributor and it still is showing there is power there. Just not powering the SCC.
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ jbaker812 commented ·
You say lithium batteries. Sounds as if the BMS has switched off.
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jbaker812 avatar image jbaker812 kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Would it be accepting a charge from my DC|DC charger if the BMS had switched off?
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2 Answers
mvas avatar image
mvas answered ·

Re-check ALL of the settings.
Power down the SCC and restart.
Post an image of your Battery, Charger & PV values. & settings

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jbaker812 avatar image jbaker812 commented ·

606fc2f6-1fea-4355-a638-54dd7da97c6e.pngImage Caption

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mvas avatar image
mvas answered ·

What is voltage between Bat (+) and Bat (-) terminals on the MPPT when charging? Compare that to voltage at battery bank. Do you have a voltage drop across wires from MPPT to Battery Bank? Any device wired between MPPT and Battery Bank?

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jbaker812 avatar image jbaker812 commented ·
I will have to check the voltage again when i get to moving this morning. I have a lynx distributor so my MPPT, DC|DC charger, inverter, and panel box are all on the lynx.
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