
ivan-botka avatar image
ivan-botka asked

Two mppt 1 ..250/100. 2...150/35???

Mám invertor victron multiplus 48v 5000va a mppt 250 /100 ..2s4p ..460wp 
Môžem k ďalšiemu systému pripojiť mppt 150/35, mám 6 slabých panelov, dajú sa dokopy dva rôzne regulátory mppt na jednu výstupnú lištu pre baterku ? 
cerbo gx

MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

Yes you can.

Since you write in Slovak, hence you are in Europe, why are you use 2S4P if you have a 48V system and a 250V MPPT?

IF the Voc of your Solarpanels are under 50V each, I suggest you to make it to 4S2P. It will provide you with much more energy because it start much earlier charging and charge longer.

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