
tim-henderson avatar image
tim-henderson asked

Multiplus II programming vs Smart Solar vs Smart Shunt

My Multiplus II is set to a charge current of 90A (3x 30A LioP4 Rich Solar Batteries)

My 150/60 MPPT is connected to 800w of panels. My max charge current on the MPPT is set to 50A. Should I raise this to 60A since my three batteries should be able to handle it?

MPPT SmartSolar
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2 Answers
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

Yes, you could raise the MPPT current. However with Lithium batteries, you should have a BMS (Not mentioned) and integrate this into the system with a Venus VE device that will enable dynamic current limiting. This will allow the BMS to control the charge current as the battery approaches full charge and needs to balance.

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tim-henderson avatar image
tim-henderson answered ·

Hmm. Ok. Thank you. I only have a MPPT, CerboGX, Linx Distributor, Multiplus II and a SmartShunt 500a. Sorry for not being clear. In my title I was thinking the Smart Shunt did what you say hence I was confused when I see different settings in the different devices.

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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·
Set the MPPT and the Multiplus II with the same values for charging.

Then make sure that the SmartShunt is set as the Battery Monitor in Cerbo GX and enable DVCC etc. (read the Cerbo manual for details).

Also, unless you have a reason not to, use ESS (again read the ESS manual first).

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tim-henderson avatar image tim-henderson seb71 commented ·

Awesome info. I've been doing more reading and research based on your comments. I keep coming back to the manual that says If DVCC is not mentioned in notes relating to your battery, do not enable DVCC. I have Rich Solar Batteries that say they have BMS, but nothing more related to details.

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seb71 avatar image seb71 tim-henderson commented ·
That's a recommendation for CAN-Bus batteries. Your seems to not be.

If the BMS from your battery is not communicating with the Cerbo or with the inverter, then you can treat your LiFePO4 battery as lead-acid batteries ("dumb batteries") in regard with enabling DVCC.

By this I do not mean to set the same voltages as for lead-acid. The voltages should be set correctly for LiFePO4.

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tim-henderson avatar image tim-henderson seb71 commented ·
Thank you. Obviously a rookie and I'm learning a ton so I think you for responding and passing on your knowledge.
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