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georgebester asked

ESS and Feedback - Questions & Improvements

  • Grid feedback
  • multiplus2
  • v500
  • mppt

er112 grid meter after breaker on way to MP2 ac in

set country gridcode - no feedback

I have

  1. set ess on VRm Remote to
    1. not limit feedback and
    2. Grid set point 10w

  2. I have critical loads on ac1 out -- separate db
  3. I have non essential loads to ac2 out -- separate db
  4. switched OFF the main supply switch which is located after the grid meter ie no power to MP2 , no mpower to any loads that are not wired into above two db 's
  5. Why do the ac loads fall away -
  6. Surely the Inverter AC1 sends power to the circuits
  7. if the grid code prevents feedback then how can i see if the 1.1 above, not limit feedback, is actually sending data back to the main db because the main db loads ( pumps and no essential lights) are not working .
  8. How to fix this
    1. use a ziehl relay and contactor after the meter and so be able to disable the no feedback - not allowed as local code says we need two relays in series ie one from mp2 and ziehl in case one fails
    2. keep grid code and Use the ac1 and ac2 out to feed back into the critical and non critical loads . how to add power to these circuits not wired into ac1 and ac2 out db boards.
    3. What am I not understanding ?1676278111423.png1676278669198.png

    4. 1676280529523.png1676280557148.png

    5. 1676280557148.png1676280590535.png

    6. 1676280636421.png

    7. 1676280636421.png1676280668584.png1676280695812.png

    8. 1676281035073.png


Many thanks for any help

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