
David avatar image
David asked

getting Multiplus Serial Number

Is there any way to find out a Multiplus (plastic enclosure) Serial Number using the VE.Bus Smart Dongle?

system is remote and don't have a MK3 Dongle or any way to connect to VRM to use VE Configure, and user is not in a position to remove the Multiplus from the installation to look underneath at the label.

smart dongle
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2 Answers
Alistair Warburton avatar image
Alistair Warburton answered ·

GX Menu, device list...

Multi Device>Devive>Serial Numbers

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David avatar image David commented ·
shame the unit only has a VE.Bus Smart Dongle connected, as stated.
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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


With the ve bus smart dongle, no. You can only see the serial number of the dongle.

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David avatar image David commented ·
That is what I suspected, but hoped maybe a hidden option or "hack" to find it. Would be very handy if Victron provided a way to have the Smart Dongle show the number of the device it is connected to.
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