
sharpener avatar image
sharpener asked

G100 Declaration for _Import_ Limitation?

If the DNO requires me to have a G100-compliant import limitation setup in order to limit the current drawn from the grid by my third-party EV charger (and a future ASHP as well) I am assuming that the 50A max current limit in my Multi II-GX 5k will do this from a purely technical point of view.

But is there an official G100 Declaration from Victron covering this use case that I can send them? I can only find the G100 Export Limitation document, which does not appear to be sufficient.

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3 Answers
sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

@mvader (Victron Energy) are you able to answer this?

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rata1 avatar image
rata1 answered ·

I think they base their import figure on the fuse you have.

If not, import limitation could simply be done and enforced by your DNO by getting them to replace their fuse in the cutout. So maybe suggest they come and change that for a 50A or whatever limit they might suggest.

A lot cheaper than an import limiter and the 50A limit of the MP2 assumes you will never connect something else in the future between it and the cutout so they may not be happy with that. They can't argue with their fuse size behind a tamper seal.

If they insist on a G100 compliant import limiter I am sure Liam at can help.

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sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

Thanks @rata1. I have heard nothing from the DNO yet so maybe there isn't a problem after all.

Am disappointed there is no official Victron position on this, I am sure if there was approval for import limitation it would be a useful precedent.

However I would only want a company fuse rated at the same level as the Victron limit as a last resort. Blowing it would be expensive to fix and I doubt I could rely on the UPS function lasting until they sent someone (assuming I detected it at all before the batteries went flat).

Also, if the zappi charger defaulted to 3.7 kW on failure of its wireless link to the CT it would perhaps be more acceptable to DNOs. The current G100 position however is that it has to be an OFGEM-licenced wireless link not an ISM band one before they will accept it.

Once the dust has settled on the EV charging point I will ask what the DNO will accept by way of an ASHP. I need something in the 6 - 12kW (thermal) range which will draw another 8 - 16A from the grid day or night. Fortunately you seem to be allowed to make (unspecified) time-of-day diversity assumptions when calculating maximum demand.

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