
chris H avatar image
chris H asked

Instruction manual

I have recently had installed solar panels with Victron inverter, islander unit et cetera . Unfortunately the installers have yet to provide me with any documentation so I am unaware as to how I should programme the VRM firmware.

Could someone please direct me to any YouTube videos or Internet articles which will explain as to how the optimised with or without battery setting should be used – should one be for the winter one for the summer? What criteria should be used for the SOC setting.
How do I tell if the batteries are being fully charged and discharged, and are the batteries cycling correctly to ensure that they remains in peak condition.

Any help that can be given to this layperson will be gratefully received! ( based in south west UK)

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Your installers should have programmed it for use already. if you are seeing with battery life and without then you already have the ESS assistant on it so it is done.

Dont attempt to program over VRM unless you are comfortable with the basics on your GX first.

With battery life and without is explained here.

The installers are also supposed to provide you with basic training on how to use and monitor the system. If they haven't give then a swift kick on the behind and say it is from me ;)

You can also sign up on victron professional as a user and there is free training there. And victron have a victron energy dedicated youtube channel as well so look them up there.

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chris H avatar image chris H commented ·


Many thanks for prompt and helpful reply


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