
chris-cross-over avatar image
chris-cross-over asked

ESS with MultiPlus 12/500/20 possible?

Hi Community,

I couldn't find any information on the victron pages or in the community section. So i hope you can answer my questions:

1) Is it possible to build an ESS based on the MultiPlus 12/500/20?
2) If not: Which MultiPlus are supporting the ESS mode?

Thanks a lot in advance!


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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


All VE Bus products can do ESS with a GX. so yes the 12 500 can do ESS.

The clue is in the fact that the ESS manual linked at the bottom of the product page. And in training that is what is stated.

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maha avatar image
maha answered ·

Yes, it works. But you need more equipment!

In gemany, for example, you need an "external NS protection".

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