
hcgrande avatar image
hcgrande asked

Cerbo GX, Ruuvi Tags, NMEA2000

Need some assistance...
I have a Victron system with Cerbo GX connected to NMEA2000 and two Ruuvi Bluetooth Tags onboard. I would like to output temp and eventually humidity to NMEA2000 to read on my MFD and instruments. After some research, I have installed Venus Large OS, and Signal K. But it stops here. Can any advice how to setup the system to send info from Ruuvi tags to NMEA2000?

1664362578664.pngI hope some can guide me in right direction.


cerbo gxNMEA 2000 - N2Kruuvi sensors
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3 Answers
bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

@HCGrande You need to look at the SignalK to NMEA2000 output plugin. This will allow you to select various data paths and export them as N2k.


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hcgrande avatar image hcgrande commented ·
Do I need to add data into "source for environment....."?
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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ hcgrande commented ·
Only fill in source if you have multiple sources for the same path, else leave it blank.
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hcgrande avatar image hcgrande Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

I have two ruuvi tags. I guess there is different sources, but not sure what data to fill in. Where do I find the correct data for the source? one unit called "cockpit" has VRM instance 28, and the other, called "salong" have VRM instance 29.

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ hcgrande commented ·

You need to look them up in the data browser and search using keywords to get the path you want and the source. See attached.

Be aware that you might need to map (using the path mapper plugin) your Ruuvis first to a path that is supported by the NMEA 2000 plugin.


You want one of the Ruuvis monitor engine room temperature. Engine Room Temperature is supported in the N2K plugin. According to the plugin, the path is environment.inside.engineRoom.temperature.

Now look up your Ruuvi in the data browser, copy the path into the path mapper plugin and map it to environment.inside.engineRoom.temperature. No need to fill in the source, unless you have a second Ruuvi also mapped to the same path, which doesn't make much sense.


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bathnm avatar image bathnm Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
Or you can use the mapping capability within the Venus plugin

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ bathnm commented ·

True, but afaik this is limited to temperature mappings while the path mapper plugin is universal. However, the real limit is the NMEA 2000 plugin because of its predefined PGNs. If one wants more paths, it's either expanding the plugin or better use Node-RED and create your own set of PGNs (provided the MFD is able to display them) using the embedded signalk send NMEA2000 node.

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hcgrande avatar image
hcgrande answered ·

Thanks for responses. Venus plugin was missing and I could not find the Ruuvi tags in the data Browser. Will do some more testing onboard tomorrow :-)

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bathnm avatar image bathnm commented ·
What version of VenusOS large are you running. The Victron plugin is installed and configured by default.
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hcgrande avatar image
hcgrande answered ·

I am picking this tread up again. I got this partly up and running, limited to Air temp using pgn 130310. The issue I have now is that Raymarine do not support the PGN 130312, they only support PGN 130316 for extended temps like fridge , engine room etc. Do any know if there is plans for adding the PGN130316 to Signal K / N2K plugin in near future?

If this is not in the pipeline, is there maybe ways to convert data by use of Node Red?

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