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williamd asked

API - Fronius Symo 12.5-3-M Total Power

I am monitoring two different Victron systems, both with the Fronius 12.5-3-M Syno, with two different approaches.

  1. On the first system, I am locally monitoring both the Fronius and the Victron equipment over Modbus TCP/IP.
  2. On the second system, I am eliminating the need for a local data logger and I am trying to replicate the function of the data logger with an API integration.

Note: The Victron CCGX is being used as the gateway device on both systems.

The problem that I am having is that total power from the Fronius PV Inverter does not appear to be available via the Victron API. This is surprising for two reasons:

  1. The Fronius makes total power available over modbus TCP/IP. My assumption is that the CCGX should then be able to provide PV Inverter total power.
  2. The VRM platform is providing a total power value (see image below). However, it is not clear if this value is being calculated dynamically through the frontend. I checked the data that is being used to populate the graph itself and I see data for L1, L2 and L3 which would suggest that the total value is being calculated by the frontend.


Clarity on the data available will be greatly appreciated! If required, I can also calculate total power as the sum of L1, L2 and L3, however, since the Fronius makes total power available, I would prefer to use the data provided by the hardware.

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