
fgs-energie avatar image
fgs-energie asked

ESS, no GX


what if I configure a MultiPlus using MK3-USB to work in a ESS?
Particularly I want it to simply use the grid when there is a peak-power that can't be handled by the battery+solar and/or when batteries are low..
Reason why there is no GX is because the client doesn't want to spend any more money... is it feasible?


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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@FGS Energie

A GX is a requirement for ESS.

See here for requirements.

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fgs-energie avatar image fgs-energie commented ·
yes, I know this but if configure only the assistant in the inverter, what is it going to happen to its function? Is it going to use the grid connected to the AC IN ?

Is there any principle on how it works?

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ fgs-energie commented ·
It will be ignored without a gx .Will remain in passthrough iirc.
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ fgs-energie commented ·

All control and coordination of the system between battery charging the inverter grid input and mppt control is done by the GX itself. So basically all control of ESS.

Without the GX ESS does not work.

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