
davidkester avatar image
davidkester asked

Is there a reason to use the PV Inverter support over the ESS Assistant?

I noticed that you can set the same settings regarding AC solar inverters on the ESS assistant.

Therefore, I was wondering if there is still a reason to use the PV Inverter Assistant?

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


ESS is for on grid application

PV assistant is for offgrid application.

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davidkester avatar image
davidkester answered ·

Hi @Alexandra, I understand. But still, you have the options to select frequency shift when there is not grid on the input of the Multiplus/Quattros.

Therefore, one could conclude that it can also be used for off grid? Or are there any specific settings I am missing?

We have been testing this system for over a week and it works as expected.

It would not even surprise we if the PV assistant is soon depreciated in favour of ESS assistant.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

PV assistant is a simpler setup for sure. There are still some setups that dont want pv running when a power source is connected to ac in.

Also doesnt need a grid code.

ESS is more than just frequency shifting. It has many features you are not taking advantage of by not using on grid.

If your set up is working then two thumbs up for you. Not saying it doesn't work.

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