
yvl avatar image
yvl asked

MyPV AC-THOR and Victron 3p ESS


i have a problem with AC-THOR an Victron ESS, it is nice to see that MYPV and Victron are know of each other. But they do not merge data good ...

The communication should be more intelligent ....

This Video shows AC-THOR with regulation value of -50 Watt:

This Video shows AC-THOR with regulation value of -200 Watt:

In the first Video you see that AC-THOR is grap the hole power and the Batterie is discharging ..

in the second Video you see that AC-THOR is reacting more confidential ...

But i have a big problem wit VICTRON !!! You say we support myPV AC-THOR, we have a nice Document for installation.

But in fact you do nothing !
There is no Modbus Register in which you can get the calculated Value for how much engery AC-THOR should grab. You only give them the normal feed in register.

and in fact .. the AC-THOR grabbing the energy and prevent the Battery to load ...

May in your nice clean world that would play good, but if you have a normal home then the energy consumption ist jumping from second to second by more than 1000 Watt's ...

Please remove your Support Document, because you do not support the AC-THOR !
I am very angry about this !


See below ... may some addition to the document would be OK ....

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

For any one who is confused, AC THOR website. And a nice Youtube video.

Still confused?

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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

We already installed a few systems with Victron and AC Thor and they all working fine (as far as I know).

Did you make all settings as described? What grid setpoint do you have in the ESS menu of the GX device?

What other components do you have in your system? What are all the other settings?

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yvl avatar image
yvl answered ·


ok, I am going on with my investigation... and i found the problem (may home made):

As you can see in this Video:

I have some more smaller PV and not one big ...
so my constellation:
DC coupled; 3,72 kWp
AC coupled
L1: 1,02 kWp
L2: 3,60 kWp
L3: 0,72 kWp

AC-THOR (in M3 (6kw) mode, with relay)
resist on L1 and L3 .. bad constellation
i switched them to L1 (relay), and L2 regulator itself

and now it seem clean and easy in regulation ... nice !

I thought the Victron is switch from feed in to battery load all the time and so it messed up with the regulation of AC-THOR.

May this should be added to the documentation: use all PV DC-coupled and if not possible then use the Line with biggest PV at AC-THOR regulator.

Thank You.

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